WordPress Page Builder – Zion Builder free WordPress plugin


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WordPress Page Builder – Zion Builder free WordPress plugin

Built and designed by hogash team, the creator of famous WordPress theme Kallyas, this plugin is the newest page builder on the market that comes with tools to build an outstanding WordPress website Demo link Below are listed the core competencies Elements and templates at your fingertip Add elements and templates right where you need them from the page builder “Add Elements Popup” Basic 27 elements Section Column Text Editor Custom HTML Shortcode Google Maps Counter Progress Bars Image Slider Anchor Point Testimonials Icon List Alert Sidebar Soundcloud Pricing Box Tabs Accordions Image Box Image Icon Icon Box Gallery Heading Video Button Separator Independent composition of elements Each element is composed from a wrapper and its sub-components. For example a button is composed from a wrapper, the button and the icon, and each one of them may have individual styles applied. Unified system of options Every element has the same easy to use and intuitive options pattern found in the “Element Options” panel. It consists of 3 main tabs: general, styling, advanced and search. Global styles In order to apply the same styles on multiple elements, Global CSS Classes were implemented. They can be styled either from page options panel, or from the Element options panel. No coding skills required. Live responsive editing Visually decide the sizes, colors or positioning of the elements for each screen. This means that any changes made to the mobile view, will only appear on that device and it will not affect the other devices, which will still maintain the original design options. Custom rich text on click Inline editor is triggered on text click, and provides options such as font family, size, weight, spacing, alignment or text-transform. It can also be dragged anywhere. Gradient background You can layer multiple gradients by making use of color opacity. When set a lower opacity of gradient colors, other gradient layers become visible. Experiment with a different options on different gradient layers. Manage loaded resources You can choose what fonts , colors, gradients, icon packs or templates to appear in the page builder. That means you can choose only the fonts you need in your website even if on the dashboard you have access to hundreds of other fonts. History of actions Saving system, history of your actions, post revisions, users permissions or easily discard changes give you the power of becoming the sole creator of your website. Shortcuts for undo and redo are also available. Design features The following extra design features come built in the Panel Element Options: Blending Bakground, ColorPicker, Pseudo – selectors, Element’s motion control, Flexbox control, Powerful background image, Filters, Borders, Shadows, Typography, Transform, Transitions Library system A whole panel that can be accessed from the main bar. It contains the actions needed for import and exporting library parts, and the access to Zion library. Advanced features Post revisions Role Manager Regenerate CSS Replace URL Custom CSS Custom javaScript Renaming elements Element’s visibility Custom HTML element Columns sizes and offsets Extendable options User experience features Dragging elements Dragging size and spacing Right-click actions Top right toolbar shortcuts Custom workspace Keyboard shortcuts Searchable options Discard changes Easily change the number values CTRL + DRAG Documentation and Support For documentation and tutorials visit our Knowledge Base.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WordPress Page Builder – Zion Builder free WordPress plugin