WP Circliful free WordPress plugin
WP Circliful free WordPress plugin
This plugin will help you to add responsive circliful in anywhere of your site. Nicely organized by custom post type. You can use it using shortcode, custom function and in widget. Use Shortcode: [circliful id=’ID’], Template Function: show_circliful(ID) or widget. And finally, if you don’t want to use custom post type, just use direct shortcode: [circliful_direct dimension=”400″ text=”120″ info=”Raised” width=”45″ fontsize=”45″ percent=”78″ fgcolor=”red” bgcolor=”green” icon=”fa-plus” icon_size=”35″ icon_color=”#ccc” border=”yes”]. But if you want to use same design in multiple posts/pages, it’s easier to use custom post type option.
Demo: http://dev.bappi-d-great.com/circlifuls-page/