WP Express Checkout free WordPress plugin


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WP Express Checkout free WordPress plugin

This plugin provides you a shortcode to generate a customizable PayPal payment button that allows a customer to pay for an item instantly via a popup using the PayPal’s Express Checkout API/Gateway. The checkout process is quick and easy. The full checkout takes place in a payment popup window and the customer never leaves your site. This is ideal for selling a product or service via PayPal. This plugin also works with PayPal’s Pay in 4 feature. It lets your customers pay later in 4 installments via PayPal. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/pay-in-4 View configuration and usage details on the WP Express Checkout plugin’s documentation page Checkout Demonstration Basic Setup and Usage Video Features Sell products or services using a quick checkout process. Sell files, digital goods or downloads. Sell music, video, ebook, PDF or any other digital media files. Allow the customers to automatically download the file once the purchase is complete via PayPal. View the transactions from your WordPress admin dashboard. Option to configure a notification email to be sent to the buyer and seller after the purchase. Ability to set a product thumbnail for a product. Use a simple shortcode to add a payment button anywhere on your site. Create a PayPal payment button widget and add it to your sidebar. Ability for a customer to enter an amount and pay what they want for a product. Ability to configure variable products. You can charge different amount for different options of the product. Can be used to accept donation. Option to customize the currency formatting. Option to charge shipping for your items. Ability to set a shipping cost for each item separately. Option to charge tax for your items. Option to configure discount coupon codes. The setup is very easy. Once you have installed the plugin, all you need to do is enter your PayPal Express Checkout API credentials in the plugin settings and your website will be ready to accept PayPal and credit card payments. Shortcode Attributes This plugin adds the following shortcode to your site: [wp_express_checkout id=”123″] Or use the following shortcode to output product details and the express checkout payment button: [wp_express_checkout id=”123″ template=”1″] You can also test it on PayPal Sandbox mode before going Live. Usage View this usage documentation page for additional info.


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-red-sale-tag-on-a-miniature-shopping-cart-placed-on-a-macbook-laptop-5632381/

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WP Express Checkout free WordPress plugin