WP FullPage free WordPress plugin
Wp Fullpage integrates the power of fullPage.js into your WordPress website. Examples Browse some examples. Demo Website Try out the demo (user: demo / pwd: demo). FAQ Browse questions. New Features Style your fullpage directly from the back office (in Design Parameters tabs). Parallax effects are more fluid than ever and work now on CSS3 mode. Add to background images some colored overlays using Slide and Section Color (Styling /
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: fullpage fullscreen parallax scrolling theme
WP FullPage free WordPress plugin
Julien Zerbib
Wp Fullpage integrates the power of fullPage.js into your WordPress website.
Browse some examples.
Demo Website
Try out the demo (user: demo / pwd: demo).
Browse questions.
New Features
Style your fullpage directly from the back office (in Design Parameters tabs).
Parallax effects are more fluid than ever and work now on CSS3 mode.
Add to background images some colored overlays using Slide and Section Color (Styling / Design Parameters, choose a color and reduce its opacity).
New Materialize UI, more easy to use.
New easy to use Ace editor to add your own javascript in events and your own CSS. No need to modify anymore the js files in your template to get what you want. If you really need to do that, you can add you own javascript in “/wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/wp-fullpage/js/jquery.fullpage.theme.js” (take a look at “Customization” to do so).
A DOM Ready Event has been added to setup your own javascript code on DOM Ready.
New templating system. Add your own theme styles to “/wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/wp-fullpage/css/jquery.fullpage.theme.css” instead of modifying the huge custom CSS file (take a look at “Customization” to do so).
New options from fullPage.js implemented. You can now for example add a auto height section… Very useful to make a footer!
Now you can chose between lazy loaded backgrounds (once the section or slide is loaded) or a “All at once” backgrounds loading.
A debug (Verbose mode) has been added so you can follow the code execution.
Now compatible with page builders (tested with Divi builder and Page Builder by SiteOrigin). You can use your favorite Page Builder to customize your Slides or simple Sections as you want.
Display what you want in your slides and simple sections. You can choose to display or not titles, section titles, metas, …
Now, in CSS3 mode, you can chose a transition effect by FullPage (vertical) and Section (horizontal) independently.
Many js and CSS3 transition effects available.
You can now disable FullPage vertical Scrolling for smaller screens modifying “Responsive width / height” value.
Pages can now be used as FullPages.
How to use
Create Fullpage Sections and Slides and integrates them into a Fullpage or a Page.
Replace Sections and Slides by a list of any type of post.
Setup your Fullpage with many options from fullPage.js.
Easely style your fullpage, sections and slides directly from the back office.
Add a featured image to your section, slide or post, and it will appear as background of the section or the slide.
Customize FullPage templates and functionalities by copying the contents of “/wp-content/plugins/wp-fullpage/templates/” into “/wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/wp-fullpage/”.
Many hook filters and actions are available too.
Read the full documentation
Contact me if you want to know how to customise WP FullPage.