This plugin will provide a new widget in the Widgets Section, so you can easily add it in any widgetized area of your theme.
With this widget you will be able to list pages or posts or any other post-type, filtering them by terms of categories, tags and any other active custom taxonomy. You can add filtering by Custom Meta Field value, and decide how to order the list.
You can also choose to display only Title, or to add Thumbnails, Excerpts and Date. Or you could display only the image with the details on rollover!
Its scope is very similar to the default Recent Posts widget, but you’ll have tons of options and you can use it for any post-type and taxonomy.
Now you can also set the max width of the thumbnail, and the excerpt length, so the listing can display nicely even on larger widgetized areas.
“This is the last listing widget plugin you’ll ever need to download”
the main features of the widget are:
Decide how many entries to display
Choose which Post-Type you want to list
Choose which Taxonomy will be used as filter
Choose which Terms to narrow your list with (or choose “any” term of the selected taxonomy)
Select multiple terms at once
Include or exclude children terms of the selected ones
Filter by Custom Meta Fields values (full list of comparison operators)
Automatically lists in dropdown selectors, all available post-types, taxonomies, terms, and meta fields! no need to find their slugs or ids!
Order by ID, Date, Last Modified Date, Title, Comments, Page Order, Meta Field, or Random
Order Ascendant or Descendant
Choose if display Thumbnails, and if link them to the post url
Choose which Thumbnail Size to pull from the database
Set Thumbnail max width
Choose the thumb alignment (left, right or centered above)
Choose if display Excerpts
Set Excerpt length (in characters)
Choose if to display Date (or “Last Modified” Date) and which alignment
Decide if text content can flow below the image or rather stay on its side
Eventually force the titles to stay on one line and hide the overflowing
Truncate the title after a specific amount of characters
Exclude specific posts/pages from the listing
Exclude current post
image placeholder if no-thumb is found
Choose to display results into a simple dropdown
Choose to display only image
If only-image, choose to display post data on mouse hover
Act as SubPages Nav Menu! (Display only the Children of the same current Parent)
Display the current Parent/Page as Widget Title
Add text or html above the list
Several filter hooks available for manipulating the plugin logic (for developers)
Also, the plugin is structured to allow easy overriding of the output template.
Just duplicate the file pbytax-template.php that you’ll find within the plugin subfolder “templates”, and put it in your theme folder.
You can also take advantage of a few useful filter hooks (see FAQ)!
the widget is built with a very little css styling, in order to adapt perfectly in any theme. though, if you want to style it up, all the html elements have been named with specific classes, to allow easy targetting in your css file.
if you’d like me to add a new feature to the widget, please let me know by writing a post in the support forum , and hopefully I will add it to the next version of WP List Pages by Custom Taxonomy.
If this plugin has been helpful for you, please don’t forget to review it and consider to make a donation. Don’t be shy, a couple of dollars would still make me happy!