WP User Profile Avatar free WordPress plugin
WP User Profile Avatar free WordPress plugin
WP User Profile Avatar allow you to change default WordPress avatar or User profile picture. You can use any photos uploaded into your Media Library or use custom photo url as an avatar instead of using Gravatar.
Plugin Features
Lightweight and easy to use.
Upload an avatar image from media library or local computer.
Set avatar image using custom path url.
Visibility option whether show avatar or not.
Display user profile avatar shortcode [user_profile_avatar].
Upload avatar shortcode [user_profile_avatar_upload].
Allow anyone (Contributors & Subscribers) can upload avatar.
Disable Gravatar and use own custom avatars.
You can rate avatar as G, PG, R, X based on your appropriateness.
Allow to set default avatar. Default Avatar Allows you to pick a default image when no avatar exists.
SEO & Developer Friendly.
Set new user profile avatar from admin panel.
Go Admin Dashboard -> Users -> All Users –> Select any user profile you would like to edit.
Find “WP User Profile Avatar” section, You can give new avatar url path or you can upload avatar using media library.
Update User.
Display new user profile avatar at frontend side.
To retrieve the user avatar/photo on the front-end use one of the following approach in your template page(s).
1. Using shortcode and pass parameters based on your need.
Shortcode: [user_profile_avatar] Parameters: userid, size, align, link, target and caption. userid : id of the user. size: original,medium,large,thumbnail. align: alignleft,aligncenter,alignright. link: image, attachment, custom. target: _blank, self, caption: you can give any text value in between shortcode bracket and it will display below user avtar profile. 1.1 Display default avatar using visual editor. You can use the following shortcode in any page and it will show default avatar of the plugin. [user_profile_avatar] 1.2 Display avatar for the perticular user using visual editor. if you want to show user profile for the user id 1. [user_profile_avatar user_id=”1″] You can also set other parameters like size, align, link, target and caption in this shortcode. Example: [user_profile_avatar user_id=”1″ size=”original” align=”aligncenter” link=”image” target=”_blank”] Display Name [/user_profile_avatar] 1.3 if you want to assign dynamic user id in shortocde without using visual editor id ?>” size=”original” align=”aligncenter” link=”image” target=”_blank”]’. $user->display_name .'[/user_profile_avatar]’); ?>
2. Using the function get_wpupa_url.
You will need to place below code in each area of your theme where you wish to add and retrieve your theme’s custom avatar image.
2.1 At Author page ——————- $size]); // display image on the page echo ‘
‘; ?> 2.2 Except Author page ———————- id, [‘size’ => $size]); // display image on the page echo ‘
.kadence-column_9e318b-46 > .kt-inside-inner-col{padding-top:0.62em;padding-bottom:1.8em;padding-left:1.6em;padding-right:1.6em;border-color:rgba(2, 44, 83, 0.3);border-top-width:1px;border-right-width:1px;border-bottom-width:1px;border-left-width:1px;border-top-left-radius:20px;border-top-right-radius:20px;border-bottom-right-radius:20px;border-bottom-left-radius:20px;box-shadow:0px 0px 4px 1px rgba(0, 20, 46, 0.2);}.wp-block-kadence-column.kadence-column_9e318b-46 > .kt-inside-inner-col{margin-top:0em;margin-bottom:0em;margin-right:0em;margin-left:0em;}.kadence-column_9e318b-46 > .kt-inside-inner-col{background-color:var(--global-palette9, #ffffff);}img.h-100.w-100{
border-radius: 20px;