YITH WooCommerce Affiliates free WordPress plugin
Do you want to improve your sales by sharing advertising of your products and of your site on other blogs to get visibility? But, maybe, you have not the time and the patience to browse the web in search of the right ones? No problem, you can let your users share your products on their sites and blogs in exchange of a commission for each product sold. Don’t you know
Plugin profile Category: Uncategorized
Plugin profile Tags: affiliate affiliate marketing affiliate plugin affiliate tool affiliates
YITH WooCommerce Affiliates free WordPress plugin
Do you want to improve your sales by sharing advertising of your products and of your site on other blogs to get visibility? But, maybe, you have not the time and the patience to browse the web in search of the right ones? No problem, you can let your users share your products on their sites and blogs in exchange of a commission for each product sold. Don’t you know how to do? No problem, again: you are in the right place, because here you find YITH WooCommerce Affiliates that makes this for you in a few clicks. Try it and you’ll see on your own how it works!
Free Features
When a user visits the store with a refer ID in query string, the plugin saves the affiliate ID and credits commissions to him/her if this visit turns into purchase
Refer ID will be stored in user’s cookie for a time that can be set in admin panel; this way, even though visit and purchase do not happen during the same navigation session, commissions can be credited correctly
You can credit commissions only to affiliates that have registered and have been enabled correctly
You can create new affiliates directly from users registered to your site
You can use a shortcode to allow affiliate registration
You can set a general commission for affiliates for each order coming from their refer ID
Commission status changes automatically each time order status changes
The plugin manages automatically all totals concerning affiliates and updates them according to the status of commissions and orders
The plugin calculates automatically refunds and decrements the total of affiliate commissions in case of refunds
You can register payments that have to be made to affiliates
You can handle basic reports that can be filtered by date
You can customise parameters for the cookies managed by the plugin
Affiliates can access their own dashboard, where they find all information about sales trend
You can use the shortcode “Generate link” to generate links for taking users to your site with the correct refer ID
If you have suggestions about how to improve YITH WooCommerce Affiliates, you can write us so we can bundle them into YITH WooCommerce Affiliates.
Available Languages
English (Default)
Italian (Italy)
Spanish (Spain)
Dutch (Netherlands)
Need to translate this plugin into your own language? You can contribute to its translation from this page.
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