VG DongKy WordPress store theme. VG Dongky – Clean & Minimal WooCommerce WordPress Theme. VG Dongky is a modern and minimal, easy-to-use and effective, aesthetic and appealing, readily responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website builder. VG Dongky is a clean, purposeful, highly intuitive website builder that has been carefully crafted with the most potent premium plugins, including Visual Composer, WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, MailChimp and much more, readily integrated into a concise visual interface which allows you to edit layouts, settings, shortcodes and more in real time. VG Dongky ? Overview: 4 Unique Theme Layouts (with 4 Presets Color for each layout), Free Lifetime updates!. WordPress 4.5+ Ready, WooCommerce 2.6+ Ready, WPML Ready (.pot files included), SEO Optimised, Visual Composer ? $34 saved, Mega Main Menu ? $15 saved, VG WooCarousel ? $17 saved, VG PostCarousel ? $15 saved, Revolution Slider ? $19 saved, Product Quick View, Product Compare and Ajax Wishlist ready!. Online Documentation ? . Supports Chrom